Gromet's PlazaLatex Stories

Love of Rubber

by Willy Jim

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© Copyright 2024 - Willy Jim - Used by permission

Storycodes: Sbm; catsuit; latex; heavy; layers; hood; buttplug; sweat; urine; wetsuit; breathplay; stink; mast; vacbed; stuck; enema; public; cons; XXX

Continues from

Homestyle Part Eight

It has been months since our breakout venture at the Folsom Fair in San Francisco. Since then the “crew” has attended a whole host of fetish events throughout the country. At each of these events our rubber suit line was extremely well received. Our business is flourishing. We have expanded our operations in order to keep up with the demand. Our latest venture is an ultimate rubber suit. For an astronomical amount of money we will create a suit molded to a person's body form. In other words we laser scan a person and make a one-off mold from the scan and cast that in rubber. We already have seven orders for such suits.

On the other front, the rubber dominatrix studio in Minneapolis is completely operational. We have stocked it with the finest in rubber bondage equipment to cover all possible rubber fetishes. We have rooms dedicated to different fetishes. We have one room decorated as a nursery for ABD play. We have a rubber dolly/rubber sissy room complete with every rubber dolly costume, fem skin suits, and every rubber doll mask imaginable. We have an inflation room complete with inflatable suits, sleep sack. and inflatable hoods. We have a vacuum room with vac bed, vac cube and various vac suits. We have a rubber medical bondage room decorated as a operating room dedicated to anal play, disable pretenders, plaster casting and water sport complete with a Segufix, We have a “chamber Room” with a rubber sarcophagus, and isolation box and equipment of all types of mummification and sensory deprivation play. We have a room equipped with a pulsating rubber vacuum suit complete with all the vacuum accessories. This room also has a duplicate to my breathing vaporizer machine. We have a special breath play room with every gas mask imaginable plus a second breathing vaporizer smell fetish machines. We have a neoprene room with all manner of neoprene sleep sacks and wetsuits. We have a room for rubber puppy play and rubber pig play with inflatable animal costumes and bitch suits. All this in addition to more traditional leather play with spanking and mock sex play. Thanks to Bobby and his genius invention skill, we have even custom designed equipment for the studio. It has become so popular. There is an actual backlog of appointments. We even have VIP rubber sessions scheduled three times a year when Natasha will fly in and act as the host.

As for me, I find my interests drifting more and more away for my company and more toward these two sideline businesses. The company is thriving and there are some opportunities for it to grow even more but I had ave realized that my disinterest might be holding them back. This has not gone unnoticed at work. Last week the chairman of our board approached me and straight out asked if I wanted to retire. That shocked me a bit not that asking me whether or not I wanted to leave the company, but I found the word “retire” so strange for a man my age. Bottom line they offered to buy me out. The offer was huge. It was equivalent to seven fortunes. I pretended to balk at the idea. I did not want them to think I was too anxious to leave. They even upped the offer. I accepted. It was difficult to keep a poker face and not grin ear to ear but effective the end of this month, I/ am free of all my official duties at the company I built.

So what about Bobby and CETEX and the Birmingham rubber works? My company made it very simple for me. They chose to divest themselves of a few businesses including the rubber works and the 3d prototyping business at CETEX. So I bought out both the rubber works with the suit making and the entire 3D printing business. I set Bobby up with his own business working for me. I leased new R&D facilities independent of my old company and relocated the equipment and a portion of the staff to Minneapolis. In the end I left my old business only to start a new one. Free of my daily grind at the office I was now free to pursue my decadent rubber life full time. If anyone thought I was reckless in the past, that is nothing compared to now. Part of my new life is my status as a rubber porn star. My first foray into rubber videos was so successful that I agreed to continue in my role as “Poor Willie”. Later this month I will again be subjected to who knows what in terms of rubber debauchery but this time in front of the camera. I can’t wait to see what Baroness Pandora has in store for me.

The shoot is weeks off but for now I am left to my own devices at home and “Home” has changed a bit in the past few months. I am adding some new equipment in my playroom to satisfy my kinky needs. First off my closet area had to be enlarged to fit all my new rubber wear. I have greatly expanded my rubber wardrobe. Just consider what your mind can think of if you own a rubber suit manufacturer. My rubber hammock was moved to a more permanent location. My torturous breathing machine was reengineered to produce even more diabolical results. I also installed a self operable vacuum bed. As for my suit collection, I now have eleven suits I had custom made for me in Birmingham. They are all modified to feature torturous custom additions that are designed to give me the most excruciatingly agonizing rubber experiences. All this was temporary as I had decided to sell my precious house and move to Minneapolis so I could be closer to the action. In the past few months I have looked at properties in the area and have two that peaked my interest.

Today I signed my retirement papers. I have a few weekends before I officially leave but tonight I wanted to celebrate. Tonight will be a special night. I arrived home with a new sense of relief knowing that from now on my company and all it stood for was no longer my concern. I was free. I first headed for my home office and typed an email to my assistant stating don’t expect me in the office until next week. She probably thought I was so despondent over my “forced” departure that I needed time off. If she only knew. I also sent a note to Bobby and Sandy. They knew my plans weeks ago but I wanted to tell them it was final. Now on to my celebration.

It was now Thursday evening and I had three days to myself. I wanted it to be special. I prepared by showering then once in my playroom, I began to choose my wardrobe. I went to my rubber closet and pulled out my first suit. It was the 0.25mm neck entry suit I wore to Folsom. I had it modified to include a penis sheath with attached tubing. It also had an anal sheath. I inserted a good sized butt plug in the anal sheath. I lubed the suit with a special lube I had created and slipped into it, adjusting my sheath to hit properly. The second suit was a rear zip gimp suit. It is only 0.05mm. It had an attached hood with plastic covered eye openings, Nose tubes and a built-in tongue and mouth gag with a breathing tube. I lubed the suit then easily slipped into it. I then force the massive gag into my mouth and stretch the hood over my head. I zip up the zipper and enjoy the tight fit of these two suits but there is much more to come. My third suit is my smooth skin wetsuit. Thankfully with plenty of lube I was able to slide into it with some difficulty. The fourth suit is a heavy one. It is a special multi dip suit from Birmingham totaling 1.0mm. This suit has a front zip with an airtight zipper. I also have a hood but this one only has small pin holes to see through. Absolutely no air or liquid can get in or out. I make sure all the breathing tubes are fed through the proper holes. Now I am sealed in three suits, the last of which is airtight. Lastly I add my hooded gas mask. It too was difficult to put on over my hooded head. Let the pleasure begin.

I decided I need to heat things up so I head for my sauna. I had preheated it to an unreasonable 160ºF (70ºC). I entered the sauna knowing that it would take several minutes for the heat to permeate my rubber layers. I also new for past history that once the suits were heated, they would retain the heat for hours. This is especially true wearing a wetsuit. Its insulation properties are exceptional. I sat in the sauna for at least a half hour slowly roasting in my suits. Finally I began to feel faint so I knew I needed to move on to the next phase of debauchery.

The next thing I did was lay down on the bed and attach my gas mask tube to my breathing vaporizer machine. Connected to the machine are six valves and vials, each containing both my favorite and unfavorite liquids. Also a valve was connected to a sealed rebreather bag and another to a bubble bottle. I have programmed it to run randomly. Once all three of the breathing tubes are attached I activate the control program. At this point I locked my hose to the machine with a time lock. It sat for an hour but for now I just laid back and let the machine take over. The first smell is rubber. This vial is full of new rubber balloons. They give off the best fragrance. This was pure pleasure. I orgasmed quickly as I luxuriated in my rubber world.

The next smell was stale piss. By now you would think I’d be used to it. I wasn’t. It hit me hard as it invaded my nose and mouth. I struggled in anticipation of what would come next. I didn’t wait long. The bubbler bottle kicked in and my breathing became strained. I struggle to keep up my breathing.

The third vial was my worst fear. I managed to retain some of the pig piss from one of my earlier escapades. This would be a vile assault on my system. I bucked and convulsed and it hit me. I almost stopped the machine when the pleasant rubber smell returned. The rubber smile was a welcome relief but it was short lived as the rebreather bag was next. At first it was pleasant then as the air became thinner and thinner until I was struggling to breathe. Just when I was nearly out of breathable air, the smell of a month old cum hit me. I gasped for air but all I received was the rancid smell of crusty old cum. At this point air, any air was a welcome treat. My cum breathing session lasted the longest so far but was interrupted by the addition of the bubble bottle. Both were activated at the same time causing me to struggle for air which in this case was nothing but putrid cum.

I was hoping it would end soon. Careful what you wish for, because a third valve was opened. In addition to the bubble bottle and cum, stale piss was added to the mix. I had never experienced such a vile combination. This went on for several minutes when suddenly the bubble bottle stopped and although I was breathing a dreadfully foul concoction, at least breathing was easier. That did not last long as I realized instead of the bubble bottle I was now breathing through the rebreathing bag. The sickening smell continued only this time the air was gradually getting thinner. This requires that I suck harder and harder to breathe, making me ingest more and more of the repulsive smells. Just as my air was almost depleted, the breathing bag valve opened and I was able to breathe the cum and piss fill air. I gulped the sickening combination trying to regain my breath when the machine dealt the final assault. The valve connects to the pig piss open and I was hit with a god-awful gut wrenching blast of the despicable smell I have ever witnessed. I desperately held back the need to vomit knowing that if I did I would choke and that would be the end. The fiendish program now had me breathing a near toxic concoction. I desperately tugged at the gas mask hose to try to dislodge it from the machine but my fate was sealed for the duration. This ride was long from over. I was forced to endure the trio of noxious smells for the remainder of my time alternating between the bubble bottle and the rebreather bag forcing me to struggle to breathe harder and harder every minute that remained. Finally the machine shut down and my time lock opened. I was free of the diabolical machine. All I could do at this point was lay back and try to regain my breath nearly hyperventilating in the process.

My recovery took nearly an hour but the noxious smells stuck with me for the rest of the night. I was exhausted and quickly fell asleep only to wake up with a terrible thirst. I need to hydrate. I struggled to get up and stagger to my kitchen. My pinhole eye openings made the whole process of walking difficult. I removed my gas mask. I opened a bottle of sport drink and greedily sucked its contents through a straw. I had sweat profusely but my suits were so tight that I barely felt it. It was like I was suspended in sweat floating within my suits. I knew this was only the beginning.

I shuffled back to my playroom. I needed rest but was not willing to simply go back to my bed. I headed for my vacuum bed. This is where I would remain for the rest of the night. I activated the timer mechanism. I had two minutes to get settled in the bed. I slipped between the rubber layers and waited for the vacuum activated clamps to seal me up inside. I made sure my breathing tubes were properly lined up and suddenly the vacuum started and I was slowly being clamped between two layers of unforgiving rubber. At this point I almost wish I was not in these heavy suits. I love to feel the suction of the vacuum on my body. As it is , the heavy suits isolate me from any outside stimulus. The suction merely held me tightly in the bed eliminating any movement. I managed just enough movement within my seat filled suit to pleasure myself. The orgasm came quickly and violently. I was lulled to sleep by its afterglow.

I was woken by the release of the vacuum bed signaling that it was morning. I emerged from the bed, my body stiff from the lack of movement. I struggled to get up and move again. At this point I had thought about getting out of these oppressive suits but realized it was nearly impossible. It was the special lube that made it so. I had discovered at one of my earlier escapades that heat can cause lube to fail. Instead of being slippery, the lube becomes almost glue-like. Removing the suits becomes impossible without some means to loosen the grip between the suits. In the past forcing water between the layers was sufficient to get out of the suits. This new lube requires a special solution to reanimate the lube. To make matters more interesting, the chemical ingredient for this magic solution is not available until tomorrow at the earliest. It is currently being mailed to me from the supplier. I will have to wait for tomorrow’s mail to get the ingredients. Yes, once again I am stuck in rubber but this time it is by my own design.

Because I was stuck in these layers of rubber, I decided to relax for the rest of the day. Last evening took a bit of a toll on me. I went about the house doing household stuff as best as I could sealed in my rubber layers. The pinhole eye openings might not have been the best idea. That made things more difficult than usual. In the afternoon I watched some television as best as I could with limited vision. When evening came I retired to my rubber hammock looking forward to a restful sleep. Tomorrow I will receive the ingredients for the solution to remove the suits. I even considered staying in them through tomorrow evening just for fun. I pleasured myself. After that it did not take long before I dropped off to sleep.

Morning came. By now my suits were amply full of my fluids. In addition to the sweat and cum, I had pissed several times in the suits. I was literally floating in my excreta. By now the butt plug was beginning to chafe and I was anxious to escape my suits. The express mail should arrive this morning. The thoughts of staying in these suits any longer than necessary were quickly extinguished.

Morning came and went and no packages arrived. I got on my computer and tracked the shipment. My heart sank as I read that for some reason it did not ship. I called the company. It was noon on Saturday yet I hoped someone would still be there, not that answering the phone would get me out of these suits faster. No luck. Now what? Damnit! I have done it again. Think! Think! What can I do? Even if they ship it Monday I will be stuck in these suits until Tuesday as soon as possible. I need the solution to get out of these suits. Then it dawned on me. I made up this lube in the lab at work. There are some solutions in the lab. But how can I get to it? Damn, I will somehow have to make my way to the lab and do so wearing four heavy rubber suits. Stunned by yet another careless act on my part I sat down to figure out how I could possibly go out in public much less get into my company's factory dress as I am.

It took me a few minutes to devise a plan. As crazy as it seems I would have to dress in street clothes over my rubber. This would require me to find something in my wardrobe loose enough to fit over my bulky suits. Next comes the difficult part. I have to drive there. This will be no small feat. First there is my pinhole vision. Second, the risk of anyone seeing my rubber drone face in the driver's seat. Third, there is a guard at the gate and cameras in the building. My solution comes from a gift I received for the special effects stifle that created the molds of my head and body. As a favor to me they made and decorated a rubber life mask from the mold of my head. It is basically a rubber mask of me. It is far from perfect. I only wore it once and I looked like a Madame Tussauds wax version of myself but from a distance in dim light it might work. Unfortunately I would have to wait until Sunday evening to attempt entering the building. It is the only chance I have to find the lab empty. This means I will have to stay trapped in the suit for another day.

I busied myself for the rest of the day gathering everything I needed for the trip to the lab. I found some old baggy sweat pants and hooded sweatshirt that would cover my rubber girth. I tried on the mask. I could not help but laugh when I looked in the mirror. Wearing the mask over two heavy rubber hoods gave me a bizarre distorted look. I hoped it would fool the guard and the cameras. By the time evening came I found myself in deep distress. The first was worry that this would not work. That I would be discovered or worse stuck in these suits. The second was I was in physical distress. The harsh butt plug was truly punishing. The constant resistance from the heavy rubber made every movement grueling. The swear, piss, and cum in trapped in my suit was having dire consequences on my skin. I did not sleep much Saturday night nor was Sunday any better.

Finally Sunday evening came and I began to prepare myself for a hapless caper. I dressed in baggy sweats, as if I needed another layer of heavy clothing. I donned the mask and a ball cap to cover my bald rubber head. I then drug myself to the car hoping I could see well enough to drive in the dark. I took one look in the car’s mirror and realized I forgot something. Looking through the eye opening of my rubber face mask I could see the black rubber inner hood with its pin holes eyes. I look like a zombie. I quickly found some sunglasses to hide my zombie eyes, making my ability to see reduced even more.

I pull out of the garage and on to the dark street. This would take all the concentration I could muster. I drove through the back streets to the factory. This took twice as long as normal. I finally reached the gate adjacent to the parking lot. I pressed the electronic opener and the gate opened. I waved to the guard who hopefully would recognize my car and not me. I did not hear any alarms go off. So far so good. I drove to the back of the R&D building. I was relieved. There were no cars there. The lab must be empty. I walked to the entrance and fumbled for my key card. It is not easy with heavy rubber gloved hands. The door clicked and I was in. It was a long walk to the lab. It took every bit of my strength to force my legs to move. It took me a good eight to ten minutes to reach the lab door. It was dark so none was there. I started to press my code in on the key pan. My gloves were too thick and I hit the wrong numbers. It was then that I realized that I only had three tries to enter the right code. If I blow it, alarms will go off and I am rubber covered dead meat. I will try a second time. No luck. I only have one more try between me and the ultimate embarrassment of being the kinky, rubber-covered, ex-president of a fortune 500 company. I press the buttons and the door clicks open.

Once inside I quickly found a bottle of solution. I am one step closer to finally escaping these horrid suits. All I have to do is retrace my steps back to the car, get past the guard and drive home hopefully not hitting anyone in the process. I began my walk to the outer door when I heard footsteps. My zombie masked face would never get by on close inspection. I fumbled for my key card and headed for the nearest door and ducked into someone's office. Fortunately I was not seen. I hid there until I was sure the person passed. I opened the door slowly and peeked out into the hall. It appeared to be vacant. I exited the office only to hear a distant voice say “Working late, Will?” I turned to see one of my vice-presidents at the other end of the hall. I waved and nodded then headed for the outer door.

I went past the guard without incident. The trip home was harrowing as my pinhole eyesight seemed to be getting worse. Once in the garage and out of my car, I immediately stripped out of my sweat suit and mask and headed for my bathroom. The trick to loosen the suits requires that I fill my deep well bathtub with hot water, pour in the solution then climbing the tub suits and all. After I am in the tub I unzip the top suit letting the solution seep in between the inner layer. Eventually the lube will release and I can strip out of the suit. Each suit will require the same process. As a result this entire process will take a considerable amount of time. If I were enjoying my time in my rubber, this would just add to the fun. Since I am desperate to get out, this will feel like an eternity.

It took hours for the suits to one by one release themselves so I could finally get down to my neck entry. All this time I was forced to sit in steamy hot water. By the time I got out my inner suit was bulging with piss and cum filled sweat. I made my way to the shower to remove my final suit as well as the damnable butt plug which by now seemed to be part of me. So ended my supposed celebration. Three days sealed in rubber. Another harrowing rubber adventure in the books.


My last day at my company finally came. Everyone was sad to see me go. I pretended to join them in their tear-fest but inside I was jumping for joy. I was free to pursue a new life. Tonight I will drive to Minneapolis and finalize the purchase of my new home. My current house is sold and I got a handsome price. I need to make this a special trip. I decided to reprise one of my favorite “Love of Rubber” experiences back when I traveled to Los Angeles.

This trip will be true debauchery. I begin to dress. My choice is a full rubber suit with attached gloves, feet and all. That’s not all that is attached. In the rear there is a Bardex Style inflatable double bulb system attached to the suit with all the necessary tubes trailing out the rear. Attached in front is a rubber penis and ball sheath with long tubes outside and a cath tube inside the sheath. My final prep before suiting up is to give myself a full bowel cleansing enema. This will be extremely important later. The suit is a neck entry. I lube myself and the inside of the suit before I step into it. I pull the suit up just short of my butt. There are things that must now be sorted out. First the long tube inside the sheath will now act as a catheter. Once inserted, the sheath follows. There is a valve at the end that is closed for now. With everything tucked in I continue with the rear. Next in goes the first Bardex balloon with the second one remaining outside. I inflate both with a water filled syringe. Full retention is secured. Nothing will get past that. I struggle to slip into the rest of the suit. Once the neck snaps into place, I am secure and also trapped in this suit for the duration. To add to the feeling of bondage, I add a heavy rubber harness over the top of my rubber suit. This harness will insure the Bardex stays in place should pressure build.

I now dress in my street clothes making sure I have access to all the tubes. The next bit of kit is a special design of mine. It looks like a designer backpack. It is leather and quite handsome. What is inside is a great deal more perverse. It is essentially a camelbak which when filled with liquid will be put to a use unanticipated by the manufacturer. I next fetch out all to the rubber tube from both my sheath and Bardex. I return to my stash and fetch two tube tubes. One is attached to my sheath and one is attached to the Bardex tube. I fill my backpack with warm water and strap it on. There is a tube and valve at the bottom of the bag. This is plugged into the Bardex tube. The penis tube is tucked in under my shirt and goes up over my shoulders and taps into the top of the camelbak bag. I check the mirror to ensure none of the tubes are visible. I grab my suitcase and a pair of driving gloves and prepare myself for a mind blowing trip.

My first stop is a little diner outside of Madison Wisconsin. I ate a quick dinner then went back on the road. For now my portable “refilling station” remains closed until later. I have opened the penis catheter valve so urine is now steaming into the camelbak. The tube is next to my neck and I can feel the heat of the urine as it climbs the tube. The drive is delightful. I constantly feel the water sloshing in the back pack as I hit bumps in the road. My excitement builds as I realize I am wearing a time bomb. At any moment I can choose to let it off and a tsunami of water/piss mix will invade me like a water filled exploding grenade. But for now I travel on. It is Wednesday and the traffic is not very busy. My full suit was beginning to slip and slide across as a thin layer of sweat forms on my body. The Bardex balloons were doing their job to stimulate my rear and the penis sheath was barely containing my erection. I tried to distract myself with my surroundings but this is one time where I could not forget I was wearing rubber.

I desperately wanted a cum but chose to hold off. I chose the next best thing. Somewhere near Black River Falls, Wisconsin I cracked open the bottom valve on the camelbak. The mixture of water and piss began to slowly enter my bowels. It is just a trickle at this point. There is no immediate distress but I am clearly aware of fluid building up inside me. I quickly closed the lower valve. I calculated that less than a pint of pissy water entered me. It was a little uncomfortable as I felt the compulsion to expel everything but no ability to do so. I had another two hours before I reached my hotel and any chance of relief. I told myself that the clock was ticking and I would need relief hours before I would get it. I drove on the best I could. Let’s just say that from here on out my concentration was compromised. I drove for a while listening to a duet of water sloshing both in my stomach and backpack. Bumps in the road seem more intense. It was then I realized I needed gas. In my haste I did not fill up in Chicago. I gassed up quickly and I returned to the car. I decided I needed another “treat” so I opened the bottom valve again. This time I am sitting in the car putting pressure on the bag and fluid runs in faster this time. I once again shut the valve after I received a good dose. I can feel my inside swelling and this time I start to feel intestinal convulsions. They are slow at first but grow after a few minutes. Time to drive off and force myself to endure the increasing discomfort for another couple hours. It is at this point that I realize I am both master and slave forcing myself to endure the suffering.

I finally got to my hotel for the night. It was the Radisson RED Minneapolis Downtown. I reflect on my trip so far looking back at all the kinky things I accomplished. This is truly my most eventful trip. Time for another``treat”. Before I left the car I opened the bottom valve completely and pushed back on the seat forcing the bag to empty all the remaining contents into my body. Once empty I close the valve so not so much as a drop return to the bag. My stomach is so distended that I look like I am pregnant and the pains are so great that I feel like I am giving birth. I manage to waddle to the desk to check in. From there I try to regain enough composure to appear normal. I rush to the elevator and finally to my room. Even though I am in my room, relief will not come quickly. Now onto the next phase.

I remove my backpack and quickly strip off my clothes. I then run into the bathroom. Yes I am still in my rubber suit and plugged with a Bardex. The only relief will come as liquid trickles out of the Bardex tube. I calculate it would take an hour to drain my bowels through that tiny tube. But I will only be here half that long. My stomach is a tsunami of cramps as I push as hard as I can to expel the fluids. It is an agonizingly slow process and in the end it will only produce half the results. I estimate that a half hour will result in half the water draining out. I have diabolical use for the other half. At the half hour point I close the Bardex valve and attach another tube to its end. That tube will now be connected to the tube at the end of the penis sheath. What got out must come in. Agony begets agony. The pressure in my bowels overpowered my bladder muscles and it began to fill up. At the point where I feel my bladder can hold no more, I close the Bardex valve and the valve on the sheath. I let things simmer a bit before my final step. I grab more tubing and a “T” fitting as well as my full mouth gag, a full rubber hood and a locking collar. One end of the Bardex tube and the penis tube goes to the ends of the “T”. another tube connects to the mouth gag. Once the gag is in place, the hood goes on to make sure the gag stays put. Next goes the collar and a lock. The key goes in a lock box set for two hours. All that is left is to open all the valves. Suddenly a flood of vile piss water shoots in my mouth from both my bladder and rectum. The stream is continuous. It is all I can do not to drown. I can’t tell how long it lasted. My bowels finally empty. My bladder goes into recycle mode. It would empty but fill up again as if my piss water was in a close continuous circuit. I was constantly sucking piss water from my bladder.Two hours finally ended and the lock box signals it is unlocked. I remove the hood. It is full of piss water that leaked out of my mouth. I close the valves and remove the gag. I am exhausted. I passed out. Before I know it it is morning.

I am a complete mess when I wake up. I am soaked with sweat, piss, and cum. I can hear sloshing within my layers of rubber evidence of the cartel activities that are hermetically sealed inside my suits. I struggle to get out of bed. I am awash in visceral fluid making it hard to move. I made it to the shower and began the long laborious process of removing my layers and began the final process of cleaning myself and my rubber. I took almost an half hour to free myself from my self imposed bondage and begin to clean everything. I toweled off all my rubber and hung it up to dry. I needed to make sure everything was properly cared for. Once that was done, I returned to bed to get some more well needed sleep.

I woke up later that morning. I went in and checked on my recently worn rubber. It was nearly dry so I packed my remaining items saving them for last. It was decision time. What do I wear for my first day of freedom in my new city? My decision was to once again wear my “Hero” suit. After all, it had always served me well in the past. I slipped into the suit then into some casual clothes and headed out to have brunch in the hotel cafe. I was hungry and the meal was great. I made an appointment with my realtor to go over the purchase papers for my new property. I had some time to kill so I decided to walk along the river and spend some time at the Minneapolis Institute of Art on Third Avenue. While walking the halls in the institute, I began to relish the thoughts of all the kinky perverted things I have done in the past few years looking forward to the next phase of my life as a rubber entrepreneur and a future rubber porn star.


Continues in

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